atmosHere Weather 3.1.2 APK for Android

atmosHere Weather 3.1.2
File name: atmosHere-Weather.APK
ID: com.david.ioweather
Version: 3.1.2
File Size: 8.8Mb

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atmosHere Weather Info

- Material Design
- Hyper accurate powered weather data (down to the minute weather!)
- Weather Alert notifications
- Persistent notification (optional)
- Card UI style
- Minutely, hourly, daily weather data
- Hour by hour weather information for the next week (compared to 48 hours in other apps) available by swiping to the side!
- Highly detailed and customized "daily" information
- Highly configurable cards:
- Tropics conditions (tropical storms, hurricanes, etc)
- Current moon phase
- Sunrise and sunset
- Traffic
- Pollen
- UV index
- Netatmo station (requires login)
- Ski and marine conditions
- Device sensors (humidity, temp, etc)
- Latest earthquake
- Your exact location
- Air quality
- Wind conditions
- GOES-15 (space weather)
- And many more!
- Ability to save and view custom locations
- Beautiful animations
- Light, Dark, and Automatic Themes!
- Fused location provider for hyper accurate location based weather data!
- Multiple maps for radar, wind, temp, etc!
- Muzei integration
- DashClock integration
- 6 widgets (with many more coming!)
- NWS / NOAA Audio Streams (still in BETA)
- Day Dream
- Pull to refresh
- Settings (who doesn't love those?)
- Charts for minute by minute and hour by hour precipitation (charts never lie)
- All the contact information you could ever ask for in the "About" section

atmosHere Weather is making weather on Android smarter! By dynamically prioritizing data, and changing the app look or feel based on current conditions. You get down to the minute weather (Example, "Rain starting in 15 minutes, ending in 12"), which means you can plan what you do next. If there's rain in the forecast, you'll also get traffic information, making it easier to know what's going on around you! The app is designed to focus around what's going on at your EXACT location at this EXACT moment. atmosHere Weather is leading the way in contextual weather, and creating a seamless experience.

"The app costs $3.99, but if you really want to have the most detailed weather info, this looks like a good option." - BGR

"Why would I spend $3.99 on a weather app you might currently be asking yourselves? That's simple. It's a truly amazing app." - io9

Your typical Android widget, day dream, and optional persistent notification (with adjustable update frequency) are also included!

Join the G+ Community to keep up with development, report bugs, request features, and soon alpha/beta builds!

Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Check the about section for more contact information!

*Ratings and feedback via any form of contact are greatly appreciated. Please leave an actual comment with your rating, regardless of the star rating. If you rate it 1 star and do not tell me why, I cannot fix or improve the app!*

Features of atmosHere Weather 3.1.2

- Emergency bug fix
- More bug fixes
- Android 6.0 Permissions Updates
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Android 6.0 Marshmallow Permissions support
- Improved loading animation
- Minor UI bug fixes
- Complete rewrite!
- Streamlined location checks (does not require full GPS!)
- Improved map rendering
- Improved data caching (easier on your data plan!)
- Improved cards UI
- Now falls back to first saved location when location services are disabled
atmosHere Weather | 321 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

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