Download 9 (Free) 2.0.3 APK for Android

9 (Free) 2.0.3
File name: 9-(Free).APK
Version: 2.0.3
File Size: 18Mb

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9 (Free) Details

"Initially simple it quickly descends into obsessive, head-scratching territory; your brain will thank you."
- GamesWithPurpose

"...the kind of brain-training that Nintendo's Floating-Japanese-Doctor-Head-Guy would approve of."
- JayIsGames

"...simple mechanics to give players the tools and space to hang themselves if they aren't careful."

"This game is highly educational and very addictive. It involves adding numbers to create blocks of nines. Through this game, users learn to work quickly with numbers and enhance their mathematical ability in a fun way... I enjoy this game tremendously and would encourage everyone to give it a try."
- App Store review

"If you liked 2048 you're sure to like this."
- Google Play review

"A perfect game. Really challenging, brilliantly put together and, most importantly, makes you feel like a million dollars when you complete a level."
- App Store review


9 is a puzzle game made of numbers.

Also available:

>> 10 -- 300 handmade levels, unlimited ∞ REMIX puzzles.

>> (FREE) 10 Junior -- a special edition for young mathematicians.


What's new in 9 (Free) 2.0.3

[v2.0.3] Minor update
9 (Free) | 3553 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download 9 (Free) 2.0.3 APK

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