Download CPU Prime Benchmark 1.2.4 APK for Android

CPU Prime Benchmark 1.2.4
File name: CPU-Prime-Benchmark.APK
ID: com.obkircherlukas.cpuprimebenchmark
Version: 1.2.4
File Size: 1.2Mb

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CPU Prime Benchmark Info

CPU Prime Benchmark is a benchmark-tool to compare the speed of your device with others. It uses single and multitasking-algorithms to test your CPU and memory.

Benchmark your CPU and RAM
Compair your device online with others
Stresstest: heat up your CPU as much as possible (infinite time)
system information for:
- Storage
- Network (what is my IP)
- Sensors with all details
Share a screenshot of your results

- Storage: needed for sharing sceenshots
- Network: Sharing your results, view online results, Ads

By the reason of the complex system with various background-processes, your scores can change.

CPU, Benchmark, Prime, Test, Overclock, Memory, System Information, Sensors, Network, Online, Galaxy S4, HTC One, what is my ip

Features of CPU Prime Benchmark 1.2.4

Version 1.2.4
- simplified sharing
- new devices to compair
- link to other apps
- small fixes
CPU Prime Benchmark | 812 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

Download CPU Prime Benchmark 1.2.4 APK

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