Download LocPOST (facebook/SMS) 1.3.10 APK for Android

LocPOST (facebook/SMS) 1.3.10
File name: LocPOST-(facebook/SMS).APK
ID: com.allbest.locpost
Version: 1.3.10
File Size: 1.4Mb

LocPOST (facebook/SMS) Screenshots

Free LocPOST (facebook/SMS) APK for Android
Download LocPOST (facebook/SMS) APK
Free LocPOST (facebook/SMS) APK

LocPOST (facebook/SMS) Details

Post your location to social networks and/or another cell phone by SMS.

1. Install this APP.
2. Log-in this APP and make a test post.
3. Log-in your Facebook account by using other web browser or Facebook APP.
4. Go Settings->Apps->LocPOST to set the visibility of the messages posted by LocPOST.

1. If the location information is acquired from GPS, it shows "gps" as the source type. Otherwise "network" if acquired from 3G or Wi-Fi stations.
2. The string defined in "prefix" field will put at the beginning of posted messages.
3. Press the PAIN button to post messages will add the string ">> EMERGENCY<<" at the very beginning of the posted messages.
4. If Photo button is not pressed to take a picture, the messages will be posted without a photo embedded.
5. Full-size photos are stored in /storage/sdcard?/Pictures folder.
6. You could only send SMS, only post to Facebook, or do both at the same time.
7. Sending SMS function still works even when the Internet connection is broken. Sending SMS and Posting to Facebook are processed independently. One's failure will not affect the other.
8. For posting to Facebook, MAGENTA:being processed, GREEN:succeeded, YELLOW:failed. For sending SMS, MAGENTA:being processed, BLUE:sent, GREEN:delivered, YELLOW:failed.

What's new in LocPOST (facebook/SMS) 1.3.10

1. Google maps link is added to the posted messages.
2. Post messages with photo.
3. Option to send cell phone SMS.
4. Improve status reporting.
5. Rotate the photo manually.
LocPOST (facebook/SMS) | 9 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download LocPOST (facebook/SMS) 1.3.10 APK

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