Download MathBall 1.3 APK for Android

MathBall 1.3
File name: MathBall.APK
ID: com.miyo.mathball
Version: 1.3
File Size: 0.5Mb

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Free MathBall APK for Android
Free MathBall APK
Download MathBall APK for Android

MathBall Info

MathBall is a game that combines skill and logic. Handles the ball by moving thephone taking the necessary formulas until you reach the target before time expires. Addicting!

keywords: mathematics, ball, numbers, operations, formulas, reasoning, method, algebra, arithmetic, calculus, sphere, marble, balloon, speed, timeliness, lightness, quickness, diligence, haste, hurry, hurry skill, expertise, skill, ability, power, fitness, poise, experience, practice, talent, art, industry, skill, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division...

Miguel Ángel Hernández Castro (Miyoda)

What's new in MathBall 1.3

-Published in Android Market (with 168 levels)
-Inserted timeline
-Fixed level 136
-Translation into French, German and Portuguese.
-Fixed problem resolution to change the language
-Updated ads code
MathBall | 50 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

Download MathBall 1.3 APK

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