Download MedCalc 3000 I.D. 10.3 APK for Android

MedCalc 3000 I.D. 10.3
File name: MedCalc-3000-I.D..APK
Version: 10.3
File Size: 0.3Mb

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MedCalc 3000 I.D. Description

MedCalc 3000 I.D. Your answer for medical calculations.

MedCalc 3000 is the most popular and comprehensive Medical Calculator system on the web. It has been highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested over the last 12 years. As a trusted resource it has been integrated into many prestigious websites for Medical Education, Medical Literature, Pharmacology, Nursing and more. Now you can put this invaluable resource in the palm of your hand!

MedCalc 3000 Infectious Disease encompasses many pertinent medical equations, clinical criteria sets, decision tree tools and dose/unit converters used every day by I.D. specialists. With the growing emphasis on Evidence-Based Medicine, there has never been a greater need for a system such as MedCalc 3000.

Equations included:

Amikacin Dosing q24hr (also Kanamycin and Streptomycin)
Amikacin Dosing to Produce Desired Peak and Trough Levels
Amikacin Level Prediction from Maintenance Dosing
Amikacin Steady State Dosage Adjustment
Aminoglycoside Clearance Estimate
CSF Protein Concentration Correction in Blood Contaminated CSF
CSF WBC Correction in Blood Contaminated CSF
Dose Adjustment for Body Surface Area
Dose Driven IV-Drip Rate Calculator
Gentamicin and Tobramycin Dosing to Produce Desired Peak and Trough Levels
Gentamicin and Tobramycin Level Prediction from Maintenance Dosing
Gentamicin and Tobramycin Steady State Dosage Adjustment
Gentamicin Dosing q24hr
Hepatitis C Fibrosis Prediction Score
MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)
MELDNa Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)
PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)
Vancomycin Dosing to Produce Desired Peak and Trough Levels
Vancomycin Level Prediction from Maintenance Dosing
Vancomycin Steady State Dosage Adjustment

Clinical Criteria Sets included:

AIDS Progression Estimate While on Anti Viral Rx
Bacterial Meningitis Score for Children
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria
Community-Acquired Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) for Adults
Conjunctivitis Agent Prediction (bacterial or other)
CURB Pneumonia Severity Score
CURB-65 Pneumonia Severity Score
DIC Score
Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria -- Duke Criteria
Hepatitis C Cirrhosis Probability
Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever
Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria
MEDS Score: Mortality in ER Sepsis
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Prediction in Children with Pneumonia
Pneumonia Mortality in Nursing Home Patients by Logistic Regression
Pneumonia Mortality Prediction in Nursing Home Patients (SI Units)
Pneumonia Mortality Prediction in Nursing Home Patients
Pneumonia Mortality Predictor In the Elderly
Pneumonia Risk in Post Operative Period of Non-Cardiac Surgery
SARS Prognosis Predictor (basic parameters)
SARS Prognosis Predictor (with lab and x-ray parameters)
Septic Arthritis Prediction in Pediatric Hip Pain Syndrome
Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) Evaluation and Strep Prediction (Attia)
Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) Evaluation and Treatment Criteria (McIsaac)
Tuberculosis Risk Prediction

Decision Trees included:

Anthrax Screening for Exposed Patients
Hepatitis C Outcome
Influenza Diagnosis and Treatment
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Prediction
Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) CDC Case Definition (4/20/2003)
Smallpox Risk Assessment (CDC version 1.0, 2002)

To practice, teach and learn medicine based on solid, literature based evidence, MedCalc 3000 provides easy to use, interactive tools for your Evidence-Based Medicine.

MedCalc 3000 I.D. | 1 Reviewers | | Rating: 2

Download MedCalc 3000 I.D. 10.3 APK

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