Download Moon Calendar+ 1.0 APK for Android

Moon Calendar+ 1.0
File name: Moon-Calendar+.APK
ID: com.moon
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1.4Mb

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Moon Calendar+ Info

Moon calendar until 2025. Moon phase, sign, aspects and more!

Moon Calendar+ can help you set and improve your daily rhythm of life, by using the knowledge of astrology and the:

*Moon phase and sign
*aspects of the Moon
*Void-of-Course Moon periods.

This Moon phases widget will help you to manage chores at home!

In astrology the Moon symbolizes the woman, water, growth and the everyday life. Depending on the phase of the moon and its current zodiac sign, there are days that are more beneficial or unfavorable for certain activities than others. If you follow the astrological advises this app gives you, everything you do in your life will be done with ease and give better results.

This lunar calendar will give you the opportunity to plan your next 30 days in the most effective way. Some of the activities you can plan are:

*Spa procedures
*Skin and hair care
*House chores
*Purchases and more...

In the app there is a calendar that shows the position of the Moon, its sign, phase, aspects with other planets and their meaning, recommended activities for the current day and every day afterwards.

Because the Moon symbolizes the woman, this calendar is very suitable for women that want to synchronize their life with the rhythm of the Moon. This knowledge has been gathered trough the course of thousands of years, and now you can have it, just by using the functionality of this app.

Using the aspects of the Moon, this app will give you additional information and advises on what you should do and what should not. You will be able to use every day to its fullest.

In order for you to organize your time, the moon calendar gives you the option to set reminders, which will notify you that about activities you have set for today.

Using this app everything you do will be more effective and successful. This lunar calendar will become an irreplaceable part of your everyday routine.

This app is completely free and ad supported.

Moon Calendar+ | 407 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

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