Download Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” Varies with device APK for Android

Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” Varies with device
File name: Pixi-Book-“Wobbly-Tooth”.APK
ID: de.appsfactory.pixi.wackelzahn
Version: Varies with device
File Size: -1Mb

Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” Screenshots

Free Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” APK for Android
Lastest Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” APK
Free Download Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” APK for Android

Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” Description

The popular Pixi Book series as an app. Bilingual: German and English!

Nominated for the AKEP (Best Performance in Electronic Publishing) Award!

-great fun reading and listening
-funny animations and witty sound effects
-captions can be switched on or off
-picture puzzle
-Pixi hobby tip
-Pixi app bonus: an extra soundtrack for children and adults to record their own story!

How does the wobbly tooth come out? Nothing helps. Until Tina suggests to make chewing gum bubbles...

Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” | 6 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.7

Download Pixi-Book “Wobbly Tooth” Varies with device APK

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