ID: ru.sergpol.preciousmetals
Version: 3.4.1
File Size: 2.1Mb
Precious metals of the CB Screenshots
Precious metals of the CB Info
IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!Dear users! The program works only with the service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and queries and displays only the metal prices of the Russian CB in rouble (RUB), NOT prices for Troy ounce in USD!
Update rules of the Russian CB: metal prices available are only on working days, weekends and holidays prices are not changing and not updated! Prices for tomorrow is available only on weekdays and only post 14:00 Moskow time!
The program "Precious metals of the Central Bank" - current accounts prices of precious metals of the Central Bank of Russia (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium).
- displaying daily (today) current account prices of precious metals according to the Central Bank of Russia (in Rubles)
- the ability to request the metal prices for tomorrow (after 14:00 MSK)
- diagram of change of dynamics of prices for the periods (pinch-to-zoom is working)
- auto update prices every day at a specified time, it is possible to set the number of retries update in case of failure, the retry interval 10 minutes
- notifications on the result of an auto update
- widgets 1x1, 2x1 and 4x2 (Diagram of the price dinamic), click on the icon metal opens the program, click on the price (or "------", if there is update - updates prices, click on the character code opens the configuration of the widget. As the widget is updated if the refresh rates from the program.
- adjust the size and color of fonts in widgets: separately the size and color of the price, separately size and color of the labels. It is possible to "adjust" the widget under different screen sizes and decorate it to Your taste!
- display of the daily dynamics of the price of the metal in the program and on the widget - change of rates compared to yesterday
- black and white theme
- the amount of traffic a single query in one day is slightly larger than 1 KB!
The program works under Android 2.2 and above.
ATTENTION if your device on Android 4.4 KitKat! If after installation You don't find widgets, put the program into system memory of the device!
Permission "automatically start at boot" is necessary to auto update again started after the device reboot!
Please read this quick start guide after installation (Menu - Brief discription).
If the widget "hangs" in the update (unstable Internet) - you can go to the widget settings and just click to Install the widget, or do an update from the program.
Attention!!! There is a feature on Sunday and Monday and public holidays, the Central Bank's website does not issue any values metal prices (in contrast to the currency exchange rates - although there are given the latest relevant courses)! Accordingly, if You installed the application on a Sunday, Monday or holidays, and included the calculation of the daily dynamics - day dynamics will be equal 0. In the future the daily dynamics will be calculated correctly!
Auto update may not work if You are running the cleanup program memory (Task killer). You must make this program to the exceptions.
Features of Precious metals of the CB 3.4.1
Version 3.4.1:- Fixed widget 1x1
- Bug fixes
More - see About!