ID: com.s3bubble
Version: 16
File Size: 26Mb
S3Bubble Streaming & Sharing Screenshots
S3Bubble Streaming & Sharing Info
The app that is jam-packed with possibilities, create unique media content straight from the app, automatically sync to the cloud, edit and share with your wordpress site.Want to view your files on the move? No problem, just download your files on the app, view all your content wherever, whenever.
The ultimate storing, streaming application, have your files sync up directly from your phone to your S3Bubble account - unlimited storage facility.
Awesome recording functionality, record Audio/Video/Images with S3Bubble for a smooth stress free streaming experience.
Want to edit your images? Guess what? We can do that too. Edit your photos and upload directly to your S3Bubble account.
Just when you thought, surely this app can’t do anymore it throws in cloud sharing. Share your files with whoever you want from wherever you want. Click and send, why complicate things.
We stated that S3Bubble is jam packed with possibilities, so for good measure we’ve added the option to build your own video blog directly from the app to your own account.
Share your video blog with friends and family. Try it for yourself, this awesome service never ceases to amaze.