Download Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock 1.3.0 APK for Android

Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock 1.3.0
File name: Sleep-Tracking-Alarm-Clock.APK
ID: bg.angelov.light.sleep.alarm.clock
Version: 1.3.0
File Size: 0.9Mb

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Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock Description

Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock (previously known as Light Sleep Alarm Clock) is a smartphone app that will monitor your sleep patterns and will try to wake you up gently, while you are in a light sleep phase. And you do not have to keep the phone on your bed while sleeping, like with other similar sleep tracking apps.
During the night we pass through multiple phases of light and deep sleep mixed with brief periods of awakening and REM sleep (the sleep stage when dreaming occurs). Those stages change at different points each night for different people. When you are woken up in the morning, it is best that this happens during a light sleep phase or when you are already almost awake. Being woken up from deep sleep is a stressful experience, which can explain why there are mornings when you feel especially sleepy and tired.
This app tries to improve the quality of your sleep by monitoring your sounds and movements during the night and gently waking you up in the last half hour before the set alarm time - if it senses that you are in a light sleep phase or even awake for a short moment and not letting you get into deep sleep again just before the alarm rings. With this app most of the time you will be waking up during your optimal sleep phase, which will help you have pleasant mornings and feel refreshed.
Unlike many similar sleep-tracking apps that use the accelerometer of your smartphone, with Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock you do not have to keep the phone on your bed or under your pillow while you are sleeping. Instead this sleep tracking app uses your phone’s microphone to monitor the smallest changes in the sound levels around it and tracks your sleep cycles this way. No more worrying if you will accidentally smash or drop your smartphone during sleep. Your phone should stay on your bedside table and not on your bed. Just start the app while you are charging your phone overnight somewhere close to your bed. The night display mode of the app is specially designed not to bother you with bright lights while you are sleeping and to save power on AMOLED displays. Inspired by the “quantified self” movement, this clock app will provide a lot of data about the quantity and the quality of your sleep. In the sleep summary dashboard you will see how much time you spent in bed and the actual duration of your sleep. Also a sleep efficiency percentage will be displayed as well as a graphical representation of your sleep patterns during the night, showing when and for how long you were awake or in a very light sleep phase. The ‘Sleep Log’ feature provides additional historical information for your sleep in the past days. This clock app also features desk dock integration that can start the alarm clock automatically when you put your phone on a dock for charging.

Features of Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock 1.3.0

New name!
In addition to bug fixes and general polish Light Sleep Alarm Clock has been renamed to Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock™. The new name better reflects the nature of this app and its functionality.
Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock | 101 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.2

Download Sleep Tracking Alarm Clock 1.3.0 APK