ID: com.andromo.dev224182.app219243
Version: 1.0
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US Army Counter Sniper Guide Screenshots
US Army Counter Sniper Guide Info
With the increase in civil disorders, the term sniper has come into common usage (particularly in thepress) which is in general, erroneously used in that the term is commonly applied to any person who
fires at a specific area or person with any type of firearm. Webster defines a SNIPER as "a sharpshooter concealed to harass the enemy by picking off individual members, usually at long range, and
with a telescope- sight equipped rifle. "
Regardless of what we may call him, the individual who is shooting at police, firemen, soldiers or
citizens is certainly dangerous. In order to counteract, we must employ a trained individual whose
knowledge and skill fall within the dictionary description of a sniper, whom we shall refer to throughout the manual as a COUNTERSNIPER.
This manual provides general basic information, which we hope will be of assistance to those concerned in the selection of equipment, training, and employment of the countersniper.
The contents of this manual pertaining to the selection of equipment are presented in the sequence
that it is felt should he followed in determining the end item best suited to the needs of the user.
This is a wonderful resource from the JVB Militaria Library that you can have on your phone. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
"Neither the United States Army nor any other component of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product "