ID: com.jeffboody.GearsES2eclair
Version: 7
File Size: 0.1Mb
Gears Screenshots
Gears Description
Gears for Android is a heavily modified port of the famous "gears" demo to Android.The Gears demo is an open source project intended to help developers learn how to create OpenGL ES programs on Android. The Gears demo was originally written by Brian Paul as part of the Mesa3D project. My implementation includes variations for Java/OpenGL ES 1.x, Java/C/OpenGL ES 1.x and Java/C/OpenGL ES 2.0. I have also added several features not found in the original implementation including touch screen support, VBOs and an on-screen FPS counter.
The FPS (frames-per-second) counter is often used as a benchmark metric for graphics programs. On Android the frame rate is limited by v-sync (typically 60 FPS) which is the fastest rate that a display can refresh the screen. Since Gears is capable of rendering much faster than v-sync on most devices it provides limited benchmarking value.
Features of Gears 7
20150227* Fixed IllegalArgumentException for multitouch
* Fixed Java signing issue
* Fixed memory corruption
* Added quaternions for natural rotations and rolling
* Miscelaneous cleanup
* Added ports for SDL and LOAX environments
* For Android 2.0 (eclair)
* Fix lighting bug observed when zooming
* Replaced simclist library
* Compile in thumb mode
* Simplified a3d GL wrapper
* Updated Gears icon (again)
* Uploaded source to github