Material Flashlight 6.5.2 APK for Android

Material Flashlight 6.5.2
File name: Material-Flashlight.APK
ID: com.enzonium.flashlite
Version: 6.5.2
File Size: 7.6Mb

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Material Flashlight Info

Introducing Material Flashlight X with Android Wear support

Try it out Today!

“The Timley of Flashlights” - Five Star Rating

“Smooth as silk animations” - Five Star Rating

Material Flashlight X offers, simplicity and utility wrapped into a beautiful user experience from end to end.



Zero Start-up lag

Fully Animated User Interface

Auto Start on App entry option

9 Beautiful Widgets

Stay On setting

Dynamic toggle area

UI Rotation

Android Wear Function

3 Themos themes

Aurora Borealis Themed UI


Gives access to both the EXTENDED and PLUS and PRIME packages

Gives access to all premium Settings

Give access to All future premium packages

PLUS – The Themos Package

9 Themos Themed and 9 Windos Themed Widgets

Every UI element changes color with a change in theme – Including those added with the Extended, and Windos packages

Accent color for notification changes with Themos selection

Accent color in settings changes with Themos selection

Settings switches from light to dark depending on Themos selection

Themos Color randomizer on App Start

Home screen and Lock screen Widget support

EXTENDED – The Flashos Package

Strobe for your Flashlight!

Ambient sound reaction with dynamic sensitivity
Great for music!

PRIME– The Windos Experience

Camera Preview with Flashlight illumination!

Continuous auto-focus with advanced touch evaluation

How to Use

What sets Material Flashlight apart is it's robust function being brought together with an unparalleled user experience. Toggling the light is as simple as tapping the screen, upon which you will be graced with this immersion into any of 9 colors backed by one of 3 backgrounds.

Our Floating Action button lets us maintain our super clean UI. On Click, Four options become visible, Flashos, Windos, Themos and Settings.

Settings – Taking the place of the plus, the Settings menu has over 300 combinations to make Material Flashlight X as individual as you.

Flashos – Gives access to the Extended package, the Strobe and sound reaction part of Material Flashlight X

Windos – Gives access to the Prime package, the camera preview UI with Flash

Themos – Gives access to the Plus package, the Theme engine of Material Flashlight X

More Info

Material Flashlight X is compatible with devices running 4.0 or Higher, and is designed for 4.4+ devices and 5.0 Lollipop

Material Flashlight X is designed for Nexus 5 class devices –1080p, Snapdragon 80X Soc, with support of a slew of other devices. Testing has been conducted on Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Xperia Z, Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One (M7 and M8), LG G2 and G3 phones.

Korean translation by Des Franco
Spanish translation by Alvaro Martinez

Contact Enzonium Mobile if there's anything we can do to make a better flashlight not just for you, but for the android community as a whole.

Material Flashlight is in development, so we respond to emails very rapidly.

We thank you for choosing Material Flashlight X.

Widget background imagery by Kovdev

It is truly spectacular. Never have I ever used an interface as simple and beautiful as this. It's rare to find a gem like this in a place litered with apps with no design. Over the last year we've brought this application into the new age of brilliant design. Striking colors. Awe inspiring animations. And a fun user experience that to this day makes us giddy.


Features of Material Flashlight 6.5.2

Version 6.5.2 W Supreme
Fixed issue where "Stay On" setting may be ignored
Added shadows to Themos UI for Main UI and Widgets, and Widgets.
Version 6.5 Supreme – The Wear Update
Wear Application featuring Synchronized LED States with Themos support and Full Watch face Illumination.
Added New Shadow UI element
Several Bug Fixes
Reorganized Settings UI
Persistent Notification Support
Logistical Enhancements
Material Flashlight | 218 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

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