SSH Tunnel 1.5.6 APK for Android

SSH Tunnel 1.5.6
File name: SSH-Tunnel.APK
ID: org.sshtunnel
Version: 1.5.6
File Size: 1.1Mb

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SSH Tunnel Description


Before you start, please read the following instructions carefully.

If possible, please uninstall 1.4.X and any other previous editions before updating to 1.5.X.

"SSH Tunnel Provides a Secure Internet Connection for Your Android Device with One Click" -- LifeHacker

SSHTunnel is a SSH tunnel app for Android System. With this app and a configured server (typically configured with sshd and nginx / squid), you can easily browse internet through a SSH tunnel on your android devices.

This project is published under the GNU General Public License v3.0. For more information, please visit our project site:

Features of SSH Tunnel 1.5.6

1. FIX: compatibility issues on Android 4.2
1. FIX: SECURITY ISSUE reported by SSHunTunnel
2. FIX: bugs in app chooser
1. Upstream Proxy, e.g cmwap ( for China Mobile users
2. Check finger print when connecting
3. new redsocks
SSH Tunnel | 3437 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

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