Random Bunny 1.1 APK for Android

Random Bunny 1.1
File name: Random-Bunny.APK
ID: com.fmf.randombunny
Version: 1.1
File Size: 35Mb

Random Bunny Screenshots

Free Download Random Bunny APK for Android
Download Random Bunny APK
Free Download Random Bunny APK

Random Bunny Description

How to play ?
Tap & hold to position the bunny. Release your finger, and the bunny goes straight ahead ! You will realize once the bunny has started its mighty sprint to the next level you are not able to change its course. In fact, if you interact with the screen while the bunny is running you will start a new game. From scratch. Score goes to zero.

On the other hand, when you reach the end of the level, the bunny waits for you to release it once more. So if you reach a new level (good job by the way!) you can reposition it using the same technique has a new game (tap&hold to position, release to let the bunny go in that direction).

Can I stop the piano from playing ?
Yes ! Tap anywhere in the quarter top part of the screen at anytime, even while the bunny is sprinting (not running, sprinting!).

How many levels are there ?
An amount which can be quantified as, well... infinity! Every level is procedurally generated. But the rules orchastrating the generation makes it harder and harder for the bunny to reach its destination. Even the music is randomized. Therefore the name.

What is the goal ?
The highest score of course ! Going farther and farther gets harder... Less carrots, more ennemies. And more kinds of ennemies. You think jumping a fox is easy ? It needs a certain amount of carrots. Now think jumping a car... Well that requires a more important amount of carrot.

What are the rules ?
One does not simply states the rules. You will have to discover them by yourself.

Features of Random Bunny 1.1

- fix scale for device with a pixel ration of 3
- score count foxes and cars jumps, as well as tunnels taken
- flowers colors indicate tunnel entrance and exit
- new rules for the creation of the world
Random Bunny | 6 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

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