ID: com.opl.transitnow
Version: 0.0.10
File Size: 6.3Mb
Transit Now Smartwatch (BETA) Screenshots
Transit Now Smartwatch (BETA) Details
Transit Now informs you when your next bus or streetcar is coming.Transit Now is in beta and currently only supports Android Wear. Future updates will make the app run on your phone and soon replace Transit Now Toronto.
Supports the following transit systems (BETA):
AC Transit
Asheville Redefines Transit
Brockton Area Transit Authority
Camarillo Area (CAT)
Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority
Chapel Hill Transit
Charles River TMA - EZRide
Charm City Circulator
City College NYC
City of Oxford
Collegetown Shuttle
DC Circulator
Downtown Connection
Dumbarton Express
East Carolina University
Fairfax (CUE)
Foothill Transit
Fort Worth The T
Georgia College
Glendale Beeline
Gold Coast Transit
Indianapolis International Airport
Jacksonville Transportation Authority
Lasell College
Los Angeles Metro
Los Angeles Rail
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mission Bay
Moorpark Transit
NYC MTA - Bronx
NYC MTA - Brooklyn
NYC MTA - Staten Island
North County Transit District
Nova Southeastern University
Palos Verdes Transit
Pensacola Beach (SRIA)
Portland Streetcar
Prince Georges County
Radford Transit
Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland
Roosevelt Island
Rutgers Univ. Newark College Town Shuttle
Rutgers University
San Francisco Muni
Seattle Streetcar
Simi Valley (SVT)
Societe de transport de Laval
Thousand Oaks Transit (TOT)
Thunder Bay
Toronto Transit Commission
Unitrans ASUCD/City of Davis
University of California San Francisco
University of Maryland
University of Minnesota
Ventura Intercity (VISTA)
Western Kentucky University
York College
What's new in Transit Now Smartwatch (BETA) 0.0.10
0.0.8/0.0.9/0.0.10- Support for new cities
- Upon initialization, the app suggests a transit agency to download depending on location.
- User can change the transit agency in settings.
- When viewing predictions on watch, other routes' predictions are displayed on the second page if relevant to the selected stop.
- Fix crash if user has no last location
- Added new icon to indicate beta status
- Fixed screen overlapping bug